Tuesday, 24 November 2009
Presentation Powertool
How many times have you presented using a projector and that people have been complaining on the font size or the overall readibility of the material presented on the screen?
This does not have to be. I am culprit of this lack of concern for my participants, well... not anymore.
I downloaded ZoomIt. Try it, your assistance will thank you for that!
Wednesday, 4 November 2009
When the design IS user centered...
Tuesday, 14 July 2009
When the design is not user centerred...
The last deception for me is this feature that now allows to do an undo after sending an email. I can relate to this feature because I have requested the ability for my sent email to sit in my outbox for some time (like you can do in Outlook for example).
From the point of view of listening to their customers they do well, it is easy to submit feature request or bugs.
But when I enabled this Labs feature I was up for a major deception. It was clear that they got it all wrong. In this case, the code mechanic and feature works:
- I can effectively undo a send email
- I can personalize (minimally: 5 or 30 seconds) the time is stays in my outbox.
When sending, I have to click on the "undo" link at the top of the screen but this is only there until I do another action. Since after hitting send I always do something else (I am not waiting 30 seconds staring at my screen to maybe think that I should not have hit send), the message disappear thus rendering the working feature useless.
What as gone wrong? Or, what could have happened to prevent this? (note that I am assuming that this is the implementation they choose to do to fulfill my feature request)
It is simple: Get someone involved on the development side at Google to validate the approach they were to take with the customer.
Doing so would have allowed them to:
- I need the ability to cancel sending an email.
- I sometime use the wrong tone in an email, I get excited, I need time to cool down before I realize I may have said something the wrong way.
- I need the period to be longer than 5 or 30 seconds, I need 10 minutes.
- This above implies that I cannot rely on the last action "undo" link there is for everything else.
Now if someone at Google can read this an start interacting with their customers it would make my day.
Thursday, 2 July 2009
Kanban collaboration nirvana?
One thing that struck me is how it enforces collaboration. The cool thing is that I can relate to some of the inherent benefits when thinking of a project that I worked on a few years ago.
One thing Kanban ask you is to be lean. To be lean implies to have control over your queues. At Toyota it meant that the door maker guy would only start making new doors when the door installer guy would have only X left in his pile. How does that translate to software you ask?
Well it is simple. The number of stories accepted on the board are limited, the WIP (work in progress) is kept to a low number, similarly all the queues of your SDLC are kept to a small number too. There goes for the queues optimization theory, you can read more here.
However, these limitations on the queues size have an interesting side effect, and it is that it will promote collaboration over everything else. In a Kanban system a team member for example, is encouraged and might have to offer help to the QA team in order for them to free some room in their own queue, which will allow the dev to promote the new completed story to the QA stage. Similarly, a developer could also assist in the UCD (user centered design) activities if the bottleneck was found to be there.
Isn't this beautiful? I think so. This is something I recall doing at a small scale when I was project leader, I would find myself occasionally helping my QA team to reduce their queues.
At the time I did not know that much about Toyota nor Kanban, but it feels good today to see that I had such behaviors without really knowing much about some of their benefits.
Another side effect of this is the growing requirement for highly agile team members, team made of people that can do just about anything for the benefit of project... and the team!
Tuesday, 16 June 2009
Why team collaboration and communication is so painful?
His recent link to Working Agreements is putting emphasis on it, not directly but indirectly.
When I read this, one thing struck me: there is a lot expected from everyone - not too much - but a lot. Failures at communicating these expectations will undermine your team. Not only at the Agile/Scrum level as explained by Nicolas but at all levels of your organisation.
People have to understand the purpose of the expected communication and collaboration activities. They have to value them as a practice and they have to buy into the technology that enables these activities to happen.
Again, the people, process and tool triangle...
Sunday, 14 June 2009
Will you join the Google wave?
It's quite long but quite worth it as an overview.
This is very exciting in my opinion as it revolutionize further the way we communicate. Google already created a mini revolution with Gmail, but Wave integrates all communicateion tools we use daily (email, IM, SMS, blog, content collaboration, etc...) in one. That's lovely. The more I think about it, it's not a communication revolution but a collaboration one.
We have all replaced the words "search this" in favor of "google this"... I would like to predict that we will soon replace email and threads by Waves! IMNSHO, this is the end of email the way we use it today.
Will you join the Wave?
Friday, 29 May 2009
More stuff about Google
Wednesday, 20 May 2009
Google Tasks
Friday, 1 May 2009
OSEF - Software as a Service
I was not expecting that one. But when you think about it, delivering software (read: value) frequently puts pressure on the need for the development team to create quality software at all time not relying as much on an intense and lengthy verification process. In this context, successful SaaS product teams have better software development processes. We did not dive into the details of it, but risk mitigation and quality assurance strategies such as: user centered design, code review, agile methodologies, automated unit tests are certainly part of the mix.Lesson: When building software in the SaaS model, ensuring you have a great software development process should increase your odds of getting the most returns out of your SaaS initiatives.
We had an extensive discussion on the shift that SaaS causes on the involvement of the development team. This is a no brainer when you think about it. When releasing software on a monthly basis (or even faster) to your customers, you must have your development team available at all time, otherwise who's going to take care of the unexpected failure occurring on a Sunday night? This is a clear distinction over the more traditional delivery model of shrink wrapped software.
Monday, 20 April 2009
The power of your team
- Offer a mechanism to reach out to the experts in your organization.
- Knowledge exists in the org but it is not maximized and software errors or delays are caused due to that.
- You have a distributed team.
- Define communication channels, it could be mailing lists, IRC channels, forums, etc...
- Ask your experts to participate and offer to everyone else to volunteer.
Thursday, 9 April 2009
Macadamian win OCRI's - Service Company of the year!
Friday, 27 March 2009
OSEF - Delivering Software Faster
Adrian Cho, Development Manager, Rational Team Concert at IBM
(see his work at http://www.jazzproces...)
Jason Mawdsley, Director of Project Management and Certified Scrum Master at Macadamian
(see his blog http://ontherighttrac...)
John Fait, Lead Software Developer, Enterprise and Developer Business Unit at Adobe
We looked at ways that you can use in your oganization to "Deliver Software Faster". Interrestingly enough, the discussion kept being steered towards Agile methods, Scrum in particular - probably a sign of our time!
In the end Scrum has not - as is - been identified as the silver bullet though, but instead, an custom version that fits your organization might very well be YOUR silver bullet.
An interresting shift that happenned early in the discussion consisted of focusing not on "Delivering Software Faster" but more "Delivering Value Faster".
With no surprise, this consists of putting the user of the product as a key component in the product evolution, a couple methodologies were discussed:
Last but not least, people. It's only with a great team that you will accomplish great things. Make sure that:
- your hiring process allows you to get the best out there,
- your people are doing things they like,
- they are well trained.
But first and foremost, have inspiring leaders that will help them to be self motivated at achieving theirs and your organization goals.
Monday, 16 March 2009
Micro Deliverables
- Amongst developers, the code is an awesome communiation tools.
- You cannot catch an error much sooner than the next day it is commited.
- In distributed contexts, the time zones often plays in your advantages and review happens over nights.
Wednesday, 11 February 2009
MS Live Workspace
This is still very beta and several key collaboration features existing in Google Docs are missing. To name a few:
- Folders: this was the first annoyance, when you collaborate on a project you want to keep things clean otherwise it gets... messy... one need a way to organize files.
- Email Collaborators: This is a low hanging fruit, when you collaborate you need to email your collaborator, why isn't this there yet? Beats me.
- Notifications seems flaky: I just started to get them (took time to work) but they have no content, just a link, only partially useful.
- History: Well, I have yet to find a way to see the "diff" between the versions. I do not think it's there although I am sure I read somewhere something about this.
- It promotes document sharing in a rather nice and working (most of the time) way. Can we be done with sending each others documents as attachments once for all?
- It leverages Words and other Office tools - although most of the time overrated and overpowered for most uses - they have been adopted in organizations, keeping them around while working in the cloud makes it comfortable for most of us and it does not create the same resistance to change effect than Google Docs does.
I still thinks this is far superior - event with the occasional glitches - than the staus quo of keeping sending each others documents as attachments.
With this at least you will stop asking yourself: "Am I looking at the latest version?"
Wednesday, 4 February 2009
Delay on send...
This is a feature in Outlook that has allowed me in the past to fix already sent emails before they get onto their journey in the interweb...
Monday, 26 January 2009
Ultimate feedback loop for bloggers...
Thursday, 15 January 2009
Feedback loop for bloggers...